New in v2.0a, the For Sale/For Rent pages have adopted larger fonts throughout
and have changed to the wider page format now used throughout the rest of WPRA. Pagination controls have been
improved with the addition of Next and Prev buttons and visual layout changes have been made throughout.
New in v2.1b, on a per listing basis, WPRA now keeps
track of and displays the number of times the listing has been viewed by any user of the site (members
and external visitors). This is a new feature, tracking a new data point. Listings that have not been
viewed since this new feature was introduced will not have view data to display and so will show "-" as the
view count until the first view, after which it will display the number of views.
Also new in v2.1b, WPRA supports the
selling of points and villa types (ex: '2 Bed Estate'), both in specific weeks
and in WJL seasons (ex: 'Platinum').
Renting of these ownership types is not supported.