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How to Use the Join WPRA Page (a detailed step-by-step guide):

Select and Enter a User ID: You login to WPRA like you do to most other sites, with a User ID and a password. Select a User ID that is meaningful and easy for you to remember and enter it into the Owner 1 Userid entry field. If two of you are joining, do the same for the second owner by selecting a User ID for them and entering it into the Owner 2 Userid field.

Enter Your Name and Address Details: At a minimum, enter your first name, last name and email address. In addition, it is also useful for WPRA to have your physical street address, phone numbers, etc. If you wish to ensure that other members cannot see this information, you can "hide it" after you have joined by visiting your MyAccount page and setting the "Visible" attribute for this information to "N". Again, if two of you are joinging at the same time, this same information and Visible status will be applied to the second person.

Enter Your Ownership Details: You must be an owner at Windjammer Landing in order to join WPRA. Hence, you need to enter your ownership details.

The Villa field is your starting point. Here, enter any one of a physical villa number (ex: 423), a villa type (ex: "1 Bed Ranch") or the word "Points". To see all the possible things you can enter in this field, simply hover your mouse in the field for a few seconds and a popup will appear, presenting all the possible choices. If you enter the word "Points", and then TAB or mouse over to the next field, the Week field will disappear and be replaced with a Points field, where you can enter the number of points you have purchased. For your convenience, this field is not case sensitive!

The Week field is next. Here you can enter a calendar week number (ex: 34) or a WJL season (ex: "Diamond"). To see all the possible things you can enter in this field, simply hover your mouse in the field for a few seconds and a popup will appear, presenting all the possible choices. For your convenience, this field is not case sensitive!

Finally, select an ownership cycle from the drop down that says "Annual".

See a screenshot of the Join WPRA page showing several of the newly supported ownership models.

Click the Join WPRA! Button: This button appears at the bottom of the page. Click it and you are done! The site presents a confirmation message that includes your selected User ID(s) and an initial site-generated password. Take a moment to write them down and put them somewhere for easy safekeeping. For your security, you are encouraged to change the site-generated password to something more secure and more memorable to you. To do this, visit your MyAccount page after you have joined, enter your new password into the Password field and click the Submit button at the bottom of the page.

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